Yle will broadcast the World Cup 2018 in Finland, just like they broadcast most other big sports events. That is great news for us, because it is easy to stream Yle outside Finland as well.
The greatest challenge with Yle, is that you will not understand a word of what the commentators say unless you understand Finnish. But, since the Finnish language is completely crazy and hard to learn and understand, a very little percentage of the population of the earth can understand it.
But, if you still want to watch the world cup on Yle in Finland, then I recommend that you read the following article in Finnish explaining you how it can be done: Kuinka katsella FIFA World Cup 2018:aa YLEstä ulkomailta?
If you are like me and do not understand Finnish, then I suggest that you stream the event somewhere else. Where? My best suggestion would be streaming the event on ITV or BBC in the UK. They will broadcast all the matches, and they are free to watch. For more information on how to stream the FIFA World Cup 2018 online, click the link.
Would you rather stream the event in German, Austrian, French/German, or maybe in Norwegian? Check the IP Address Guide for their guide to the FIFA World Cup online.