The 2016 film named Genius with Colin Firth, Jude Law and Nicole Kidman has already reached Netflix. Would you like to watch Genius on Netflix tonight?
I have not yet seen Genius, but after watching the trailer I do feel like doing so. Even though the movie has great actors, it has not received the best critics on the Internet. It currently has a 6.5/10 on iMDB which is considered a fairly low score based on the general positivity of the people actually sharing their scores there. Another portal which normally is strict is Rotten Tomatoes, and there Genius has only received a 51% rating. In other words, this has not received the best critics by viewers and bloggers around the globe.
Watch Genius on Netflix
To get access to Genius and to watch it on Netflix you will have to live in Canada, or at least get access to Canadian Netflix from abroad. That isn’t so hard to do, which means you can easily watch Genius on Netflix in a few minutes from now, even though you might be located somewhere else.
The story in Genius is based on the book from the 1970s named Max Perkins: Editor of Genius. It was written by A. Scott Berg and was a great success back then. But, maybe they were hoping for even more success for the movie itself.
Have you seen Genius? Did you like it? Would you recommend it to me and to all the readers of this blog? Write a few comments to share your thoughts on Genius.