Abominable is the name of the animated movie created by Dreamworks together with Pearl Studio. It was released in 2019, and it might bring a recent movie like Bigfoot to your mind. But, is Abominable worth watching? Is it family-friendly? Will adults enjoy the movie as well? Can I watch Abominable on Netflix?
Want to know more about the movie Abominable? Here you can find all sorts of information, and a review that will let you know whether it is a movie worth watching or not!
Is Abominable on Netflix?
The movie cannot be streamed on Netflix yet, but once it comes to the streaming platform, I will update the article with more information about how and where it can be streamed.
Abominable review
Abominable is still a cinema movie, meaning that you cannot stream it online yet. But, is it worth spending some dollars to watch this movie at the cinema? I would clearly say yes!
Last year, I was judged to watch the movie Bigfoot twice in the cinema, simply because I had to bring my two kids on two different occasions. To be honest, it was a boring movie and I suffered myself through it twice. So, I was kind of skeptical as I went to watch Abominable (with both kids) yesterday, but luckily, it was a way better experience for me.
The story of Abominable
This description is packed with spoilers, so be careful if you actually plan on watching this movie.
The scariest scene in the film comes in the first minute. Someone is running through small halls trying to escape. Guards do their uttermost to stop the creature, and that is when we see a Jeti for the first time. It has been taken the prison, and now it does everything in its power to escape. Using some special power, it manages to escape, but it is hurt along the way and hides on some roof looking towards a poster saying “Travel to Mount Everest.” The Jeti knows that is where it belongs and feels attracted to the poster and to Mount Everest.
In the same house, we see a young girl who is gathering as much money as possible. She doesn’t spend time with her family (after her father died), instead, she works to earn money, so she can visit all the places her father wanted to take her. One day, she goes to the roof to play her violin, only to discover a giant white arm hidden behind some carpets. She gets really scared, but as you probably guessed, a special friendship is created between the girl and the Jeti.
This is the start of a quest for them to get back to Mount Everest with the Jeti. But, the ones who kept the Jeti imprisoned are also out there to get the Jeti back, so there will be much action and fun before the story comes to an end.
Is Abominable a funny movie?
I had a really good time watching the movie at the cinema. Not only did I laugh a couple of times, but my kids laughed a lot. Many of the jokes were easy to predict, but it was created in such a way that kids love it. So, when the boy burps a little one, we all look forward to the giant burp of the Jeti. And guess what happens a few seconds later upon the arrival of the giant burp of the Jeti (or should we call it a barf)? Loud laughter among all the kids and most of the adults in the cinema.
There are many jokes and humorous things happening like that in the movie, and it makes it really easy and enjoyable to watch.
Unlike Bigfoot, a movie that dealt with the tough topic of being open to new stuff and not living in the past, this is a much easier movie to digest. Here you can simply enjoy it and follow the story, and the children will for sure have a good time watching it. In fact, I believe many parents will have a good time watching Abominable as well.
Is Abominable worth watching?
The movie currently has a 95% audience score at Rotten Tomatoes, and even though the critics’ score is lower, it is still a very good score. My personal score to this movie would probably be around 80% and considering that I am an adult who doesn’t really care much about animated movies for kids, I would consider this to be a very good score.
In other words, if you want to watch a great movie at the cinema tonight with your kids, this is a movie you should consider. It is completely harmless, it is family-friendly, it has some great jokes, and the story in itself is very nice and also touching the value of staying close to your family!
I should also mention that the scenery, the animations, and the characters are beautifully made. It is such a joy to watch the girl in the movie, and also to see the Jeti in its beauty.
I can warmly recommend this movie!