Are you one out of millions of Game of Thrones fans worldwide who have been eagerly awaiting for Game of Thrones season 5? Now you can watch it on Amazon!
Game of Thrones has been one big success for HBO and it is not only HBO that is earning a lot of money with this TV series, they have also won tons of prices and all places where there have been made recordings for the Game of Thrones TV series has turned into tourist attractions. All Game of Thrones fans have been waiting for season 5 to be released and the first episode in the fifth season was released on April 12th in 2015.
At you can watch all episodes online and you can buy rights to watch one and one episode or you can buy rights to watch all episodes in the fifth season at once. Doesn’t that sound great?
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Have you seen Game of Thrones season 5 on Amazon? Or maybe somewhere else? Did you like the episodes? Were you satisfied, or were you disappointed with the season? Please share some thoughts and your own opinion on Game of Thrones season 5 and tell me whether you think it is worth spending almost 40 USD to get the rights to watch the entire season online at