Hit by Lightning is an American Canadian black comedy directed and written by Ricky Blitt which was released in 2014. The main characters in the movie are Jon Cryer, Will Sasso, Stephanie Szostak and Jed Rees. The story is about Ricky Miller (Jon Cryer) who is 40 something lonely, single man who is the manager of a restaurant.
Miller joins to a dating site and finally meets Danita (Stephanie Szostak) an incredibly hot, intelligent and funny woman who shares all his interest but soon he realises that there is a catch in the story, the only but big problem with his ideal woman is that she is married. Danita tries convincing Miller to kill his abusive husband (Jed Rees) so Miller asks for help from his best friend Seth (Will Sasso) who agrees to help him to get rid off the husband of Danita. After a series of events Ricky and his friend, Seth find out that the abusive husband is actually an ex-rabbi who happens to be a generous and good man. Ricky has to discover the real face of Danita? Is she telling the truth to him or just making up a story to get her husband out of the way? Ricky is confused and has to put the pieces together to find out the truth about his love.
The Hit by Lightning is an entertaining movie which got generally positive critics and reviews. It is an absolutely watchable movie with great acts and funny story line.
As a Prime member you can now watch this film for free on Amazon.com, so watch Hit By Lightning on Amazon.com to watch it right away. Another film available to Amazon Prime members is World War Z with Brad PItt in the main role. You can read more about the film here on netflix.fromabroad.org.