I would like to get myself an Amazon Prime subscription, but I really hate commercials? Will I be forced to watch commercials as I watch films and TV series with my Amazon Prime subscription?
As we watch TV stations and TV series on our normal stationary TV’s we are very much used to watch commercials. They give us a nice toilet break and time to refill our glasses with something to drink. But, as we watch TV series and films on our computers, tablets, or phones we do not like those commercials. They are annoying and make our favorite programs last much longer.
On Hulu you get lots of commercials if you sign up for 8 USD a month. You can buy an extra subscription which will remove the ads, but few people want to pay an extra 4 USD a month because of this. At Netflix there are no commercials, so you can watch your favorite show without commercials all the time. At CBS All Access you are bombarded by ads, meaning that your TV show will be stopped several times where you will have to watch ads. So, what’s up with Amazon Prime? Are there ads on Amazon Prime?
Are there ads on Amazon Prime? The answer is 98% no!
As you watch a TV series on Amazon Prime you will never be interrupted by ads. That is simply amazing and really nice. So in general you will never meet or see ads during your TV shows on Amazon Prime. There is a minor exception, and that is the following.
Sometimes before the start of the actual TV show Amazon will show you a short teaser to one of their other TV shows. This will last for about 15 seconds and will be shown before the start of what you actually want to see. But, to be honest… this teaser is so short that I do not even care about it. And once it is over you never see an ad again. And such teasers will not be shown before all TV series or films, they just show up before some of the TV shows or films. It is therefore nothing to fear as you sign up for Amazon Prime. This is what I would call a 98% ad-free territory.
Hate the stupid ads the play on Prime. Just let me watch a show in peace and stop pushing shows I have no interest in.
As of today Sep 1 there are now commercials thru out the shows I’m watching on Amazon Prime. Midsomer Murders. What the heck is going on
Man, that has got to be annoying. Don’t know what has changed… Hope it is a temporary thing!
Thank you! Watching the same series and getting more annoyed with the commercials that pop up. Why am I paying to watch advertisements?
We are getting bombarded with commercials. We will not renew with Amazon prime. Back to Nextfix…
We are also seeing them. We paid for a show, now are watching commercials with it. Complete turnoff. Will be choosing Amazon less.
I’m seeing them for the first time and I’m not liking it one bit. Won’t be watching Amazon Prime much anymore.
i too will be cancelling my prime membership. Bezos doesnt have enough money to maintain quality service? i mean you really need more money from commercials? really? if he wants to water down his product for more money, it will not be with my money. i can live without amazon.
Same here. Didn’t have adverts before. Back to Netflix.
I received two ads 15 minutes into watching Star Trek: Beyond. I immediately contacted them an cancelled my Prime membership.
I received two commercials 15 minutes into the movie Star Trek: Beyond. I immediately contacted Prime and cancelled my membership. This is unacceptable.
I got totally bombarded with commercials watching Third Rock. It’s like the bad old days on broadcast TV. Will cancel Amazon Prime. There are other streaming services popping up for $5 a month. I can get two of them and no commercials with the money I’ll save.
Bull they have 1 min ads all the time.
Never had commercials on prime until last Friday night. There were 5 commercial breaks, which is very annoying, considering you’re pay a subscription to watch. I can watch commercials on reg tv if I chose to. So Amazon, your lying when say there aren’t any!
Ads on Prime TV through the shows now. It just started in the last week. Ready to dump prime. Deliveries are alway late now. It’s all changing.
Super annoying. We watched Whiplash and there were numerous commercials of more than two minute length. Many of the commercials were for the Amazon Prime content. Absolutely ridiculous.
Will it stop???? I hate commercials!!!
I’m over Amazon… I get Hulu free with Spotify, no commercials for my music or movies. I don’t order enough products to make Prime worth it and Video was a bonus anyway. And to top it off they just randomly throw in the ads, not even during a “natural” break in the show- sometimes even MID-SENTENCE!
Ive never seen commercials on Prime til I started watching the series Lexx … suddenly there are commercials on Prime. Wtf?! I ditched Netflix for Prime, now Prime has ads? Isnt that partly what we pay for? Grrrrr
Took a break from Amazon last year. Just came back. Are the ads only with tv or with Prime movies also?
The commercials are often either violent or risqué. Something i would not want my grandchildren to watch. I watch mostky cooking shows on prime and the ads are not appropriate for a general audience! And there’s quite a bit of leftist indoctrination as well.
I do not like the ads watch prime to not be interested. Will go back to Netflix too bad