All The Way is the title of a television drama film that aired on HBO on May 21st. It was created for and by HBO so do not miss out this chance to watch a film on HBO Now that can not be seen elsewhere at the moment.
All The Way tells the story of President Lyndon B. Johnson who became the new president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Lyndon has a very tough time in this period, especially as a lot of pressure is placed on him by Martin Luther King working to give the black people fair treatment and equality with the white people.
The best way to watch All The Way might be to combine it with watching the film Selma. In Selma we get to know this period and Lyndon B. Johnson from the perspective of Martin Luther King, while we in All The Way get to see the entire situation from the perspective of Lyndon B. Johnson.
I have personally not seen All The Way on HBO Now yet, but I will hopefully, be able to do so in the near future. It looks like a great film based on the trailer so I look very much forward to watching it. If you want to watch All The Way on HBO Now and maybe some old and new Game of Thrones episodes, but you have the challenge of living outside the USA, follow these instructions to get access to HBO Now overseas.
Selma can unfortunately not be seen on HBO Now, but you can watch it both on Netflix and on Amazon Instant Video. Press the links to watch it on the platform that suits you the best.