Coming to HBO Now in August

Haven’t you checked the little YouTube video presenting what’s coming to HBO Now in August yet? Make sure to do so now, if not, you might miss out on something great!

Normally we only upload our videos to YouTube, but this time we also tried to upload it to DailyMotion. So, check out what’s coming to HBO Now in August in the following DailyMotion video.

Unfortunately, August isn’t as interesting on HBO Now as July was. But, the arrival of Aquaman should still be considered a giant treat, considering that it was one of the most popular movies on cinemas all around the world in 2018. It is also nice that HBO Now is the first major streaming service to give access to this movie, way earlier than Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, and the other streaming giants.

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What do you look forward to on HBO Now in August 2019?

Do you have any movies or TV shows that you look forward to streaming on HBO Now in August? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the matter!

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