Setup your router for Amazon Fire TV Stick!

Fire TV

If you have an Amazon Fire TV Stick, but live in a nation where you can not watch Amazon Instant Videos or subscribe to Amazon Prime and maybe not watch Netflix either, then it is time to fix the problem. The solution is setting up your router for the Amazon Fire TV Stick.

The basic problem is that services such as Amazon Instant Video, Amazon Prime, Netflix and lots of TV channels are made for watching and enjoying in the United States. In the moment you leave the nation and go overseas (or somewhere else) things will not work that good anymore. To get things working, this is what you need to do!

If you want to use your UK Fire TV Stick abroad or German Fire TV stick abroad, just change United States with Germany in all the descriptions in this article. The solution is the same.

Enjoy Amazon Fire TV Stick abroad

Here is what you will need to do.

  1. Make sure to have an account registered with an address in the United States.
  2. Get yourself a subscription to Unlocator (it is totally free for seven days, no payment information needed).
    Visit Unlocator website
  3. Confirm your subscription to Unlocator in email.
  4. Now you need to setup Unlocator on your router. The address to your router is normally or or Login and there you should setup the router to run with the DNS servers provided by the Unlocator SmartDNS service. For more information on how this actually works we recommend reading the tutorials on the Unlocator website.
  5. In the Unlocator control panel you can setup in which region you want to watch Amazon video. By default you will use, but if you setup in the control panel of Unlocator for to be used or, you can get access to those instead.
  6. Restart your router and connect to the WiFi connection provided by the router with your Amazon Fire TV Stick, and it should now be working.

This may sound very easy, and if you use Unlocator it should be easy. Hopefully it will work quickly for you, but if you have problems you can try asking here, but the best will often be to contact Unlocator directly so that they can help you.

If you simply want more information about watching Amazon Prime from abroad on a laptop, Android system or on iOS, read the following article.

Since Unlocator is totally free to try for seven days it is very easy to get started and no risk at all involved. You may need some technical insight to set it up on your router, but Unlocator has very detailed guides telling you how to setup their services on different routers, so it should be very easy for you to setup your Amazon Fire TV Stick for use outside the United States, outside the UK and outside Germany!

2 thoughts on “Setup your router for Amazon Fire TV Stick!”

  1. I have a UK Prime subscription and I’m currently i France. I have a VPN and it is connected and set to UK. But even then when i try to watch stuff included for free with my subscription I still get the error. Even if I have cleared all my cookies and deleted browsing history and connected to the VPN before I log into Why?

    1. Are you trying this on your computer? It might be that the VPN you are using is blocked by which means that you should try another service instead!

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