Would you like to know how many people subscribe to Amazon Prime in the United States? Do you have a guess? When I first created this page, the number was 10,000,000 people. Do you know how many people subscribe to Amazon Prime in the USA as of June 2019? You are about to know!
It is quite amazing to see that the number in June 2018 was 95,000,000 subscribers. That is a stunning number and considering that these all pay 10 USD per month (or more) for the service, it is amazing. But, the stagnation hasn’t started, because Amazon Prime seems to be growing and growing.
As a matter of fact… numbers from June 2019
The truth is, in June 2019, Amazon Prime in the United States had more than 105,000,000 subscribers. If all these numbers are correct, Amazon Prime had an increase of 10,000,000 subscribers in the USA in one year. That means, almost 30,000 new subscribers come to Amazon Prime every day (by average). That is just a crazy number!
There is no wonder why so many people come to this page to discover how they can watch Amazon Prime abroad. After all, with more than 105,000,000 subscribers, thousands and thousands of these reside outside the USA at all times, meaning that they need to find other ways to access Amazon Prime videos and content abroad.
What is even more interesting about these numbers is that an average Prime member spends 1400 USD on the platform every year. So, if they spend 150 USD on average paying for their Amazon Prime subscription, that is only 10% of the actual amount they spend on Amazon.com every single year.
How much did Amazon earn from Amazon Prime member subscriptions in 2018?
Would you like to know how much money was paid to Amazon in Amazon Prime membership fees in 2018? The number is 14.2 billion U.S. dollars.
It can also be seen that Prime members spend more, maybe because they are Prime members, or maybe they are Prime members because they spend more… I am not sure about that. However, those shopping at Amazon.com without a Prime subscription spend 600 USD on the platform on average annually, which is a much lower amount than those with a Prime subscription.
There is a trend that Amazon customers do most of their shopping from Amazon. That is why many people order groceries and daily necessities from Amazon, leading to several orders from the online store per weak. That is a very different mentality compared to those who only visit Amazon when they want to buy a certain product or something like that.
When will the amount of Amazon Prime subscribers start to decrease?
There is no sign of decrease when it comes to Amazon Prime subscription yet. The general trend is that the biggest get bigger, and it gets harder and harder to come forth with a little store in this world.
I will pay attention to what’s going on and write more articles in the future!