Defiance is an American science fiction television series that was developed by Rockne S. O’Bannon, Michael Taylor and Kevin Murphy. The main characters in the series are Grant Bowler as Joshua Nolan, Julie Benz as Amanda Rosewater, Stephanie Leonidas as Irisa Nyra, Tony Curran as Datak Tarr, Jamie Murray as Stahma Tarr, Graham Greene as Rafe McCawley, Mia Kirshner as Kenya Rosewater, Jesse Rath as Alak Tarr and James Murray as Niles Pottinger. You can now watch Defiance on Amazon Prime.
The show Defiance takes place in the future on Earth and the story begins in 2046. Earth is radically transformed and it contains new pieces, some that arrived from space but many of them is the result of contamination by Votan terraforming technology. After the solar system of the aliens got destroyed they started looking for a new home. When the aliens left their solar system their devices detected no signs of life on Earth and they thought Earth was inhabited. However when they arrived to Earth in 2013 they discovered otherwise but humans welcomed the arrival of the aliens with hostility and suspicion.
The series follows Joshua Nolan -who works as a local sheriff in the town Defiance where humans and other intelligent spices known as Votans live together- his adopted alien daughter Irisa and the town’s new mayor Amanda Rosewater.
The television series Defiance premiered in the United States on 15th April in 2013 and the new season of the series will premier on 12th June in 2015.
Defiance got average reviews and feedback from the critics. Defiance has definitely a great story line and good casting.