The Blood Ties is a French-American crime thriller directed by Guillaume Canet which came out in 2013. The movie is a remake of the 2008 French thriller Les liens du sang by Jacques Maillot and it is also an adaptation of the French novel Deux frères, flic & truand written by Bruno and Michel Papet. This film is now available to all Amazon Prime members online.
The main characters in the movie are Chris Pierzynski (Clive Owen), Frank Pierzynski (Billy Crudup), Monica D’Amato (Marion Cotillard), Natalie (Mila Kunis), Vanessa (Zoe Saldana) and Anthony Scarfo (Matthias Schoenaerts). After being in jail for 12 years for murder (killing a rapist and murderer) Chris is finally out of prison in 1974. The wife of Chris, Monica is a drug addicted prostitute who has a son and a daughter. Chris tries everything to get his life straight and in order with his new girlfriend Natalie but problems are coming up so he goes back to his old criminal life which puts him in a conflict with his brother Frank who is a New York City cop. Chris has also a sister Marie (Lili Taylor) who wants Chris and Frank to get along again. When Frank gets the chance to arrest Anthony in his home he meets his ex girlfriend Vanessa again who is now married to Anthony. Although Vanessa is now married to Anthony she has a daughter with Frank and they decide to get back together again and she divorces Anthony.
After Anthony is finally released from police custody he tries everything to have revenge on Frank. Chris finds out about his plan and he has to decide if he saves his own skin or stop Anthony before it is too late.
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