Do you get the following error message “Aus rechtlichen Gründen steht dieses Video nur innerhalb der Schweiz zur Verfügung” when you try to watch SRF?
If you are trying to watch SRF on your mobile device or in Windows you might get an error message telling you “Aus rechtlichen Gründen steht dieses Video nur innerhalb der Schweiz zur Verfügung.” That ain’t good news if you had planned to watch a Champions League match online or some other content on SRF. But, what can you do if you want to watch SRF live online and not see the error message anymore? It is easy!
You need to make the SRF Player believe that you are located in Switzerland, and for that to happen you need to use a VPN. But, be aware of the fact that not all VPN providers work, so it does matter which one you use.
A VPN that will let you watch SRF from abroad
As I write this article I first tried to use HideMyAss to watch SRF on my Android device. Unfortunately I got the error message above, also when using HideMyAss. I do know that you can use HideMyAss to watch SRF in Windows, but on my Android phone it didn’t work that well. Then I tried to watch SRF using the VPN provider IPVanish, and the stream started at once and I could watch without trouble or delay.
IPVanish websiteOnce you visit the IPVanish website you will need to download their VPN client. Once you have done so you start it and connect to a server in Switzerland. When the connection is up and running you restart your SRF application and now you are ready to watch SRF online.
If you use this in Windows or on a Mac you simply connect to a server in Switzerland and restart your browser, and you should now be able to watch SRF from abroad. If you ain’t satisfied you can use IPVanish’s seven day full refund policy to get your money back!