As HBO Now was launched in April 2015 it was made available only for Apple users. This was a three month deal, and after that period it was to be made available to users on other platforms as well. But, what can you do if you want to watch HBO Now on iPad or iPhone from outside the USA?
There are several things making this a hard question. First of all you need to download the HBO Now application from the Apple Store using your Apple ID. The challenges here are that your Apple ID is set to a certain nation, and unless that is in the United States, you will not be able to download the HBO Now application. If you have an Apple ID in another nation you can modify these settings on your iOS system (changing the nation and address of your Apple ID). Be aware though that this will modify the rights to use some of the programs you have already downloaded from the Apple store, and this might cause some chaos in these matters, but if you are really willing to try everything to get HBO Now on your iOS system devices, just change the nation.
You will also need an American address for this to work. This can be almost anything, so just enter any address in the USA for this purpose (search online for the address of Kempinski New York, Marriott Washington or whatever and use those addresses).
But, changing the nation is not enough. You also need to get yourself an IP address in the United States to make HBO Now and the application believe that you are actually in the United States. If you have done these steps, getting yourself an Apple ID setup for the US Apple Store and an American IP address you are good to go, and ready to watch HBO Now on your iOS from wherever you are in the world.
Get an American IP address
To get such an American IP address I recommend using the services of PureVPN, a brilliant VPN provider with great speeds and very easy to use.
You can simply visit their website and sign up for their services. Once this is done you can download their client to your iOS system (iPad or iPhone) and connect to one of their servers in the USA, and you are good to go. Now it is time to download the HBO Now client from the Apple Store and to sign up for your free HBO Now trial!
If you want to know more about watching HBO Now from abroad I recommend that you visit the front page of this blog, and for more information on news, updates and new material available on HBO Now, follow us on Facebook to receive updates on new releases and other cool stuff!