Would you like to watch War Room, a Christian film about the power and the importance of prayer? It could be seen in cinemas in the USA throughout the summer, but still we have had to wait to watch it online or buy it on a DVD. But, the waiting time is soon over, because you can already pre-order the film from Amazon.com. It will be released on December 8th.
In War Room we meet an old lady who knows about the power of prayer, and now she wants to teach others about it as well. As a girl faces problems in her marriage, she tends to look at all problems from the outside, but has she completely forgotten about the importance of praying?
War Room is made by the same crew who made fantastic films such as Courageous, Fireproof, Faith like Giants and also Firewheel. That latter is not the best when it comes to quality, but the message is good. The other films both have great quality and an important message, and when it comes to War Room is seems as if this is true again.
Get ready for watching the film, and if you want to watch the trailer first, then take a look at the trailer just beneath this text. For more information on how to watch Instant Videos abroad, click the following link.
Have you seen War Room? How did you like it? Please write a comment and let me know!
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