Watch Love and Friendship with Amazon Prime

I recently received an email that a new movie was available with my Amazon prime subscription: Love and Friendship. That came as a big surprise!

After receiving the email I quickly checked my list presenting the movies made available to Amazon Prime members in October 2016. I could not find Love and Friendship anywhere on the list. But, for some reason the movie was still made available to Prime members, and I am already looking forward to watch it.


I have read lots of great critics about this film and last week I almost started watching it. But, after watching for five minutes the friends I wanted to watch the movie together with was bored and instead we watched Miracles From Heaven with Jennifer Garner. Now I did like that movie, but I am still curious as to whether or not Love and Friendship is worth watching.

About Love and Friendship on Amazon Prime

This movie is based on a book by Jane Austen. While most such films are quite boring, this seems to be a more of a comedy sort of movie and based on the reviews it truly is. I never really enjoyed Downtown Abbey, but if you are a Downtown Abbey fan this seems to be a movie following the same style and in the same gender. But, maybe with more comedy and jokes to it.

If you have an Amazon Prime subscription you can now watch Love and Friendship for free. I will try to watch the movie within the coming week and if I remember I will write a comment about whether I liked the movie or not.

If you decide to watch Love and Friendship on Prime yourself, please spend one minute afterwards to tell me whether or not you liked the movie and whether or not you would recommend it to me and to the rest of the world.

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