Who we are
Our website address is: https://fromabroad.org (and its subsites like netflix.fromabroad.org etc).
What we store, record, and keep
As you visit fromabroad.org and any other subsite at this address, we use the tracking services of Jetpack and Google Analytics to store information about our visitors. This means, your IP address, your location, your browser and your operating system will be stored by those services, and we will use them for the purpose of understanding our visitors, where they come from and how many actually visit the site. We never use these statistics for any other purpose.
If you decide to write a comment and save your user data, a cookie will store the data added to the forms for 6-12 months, and then it will be deleted. This will help you save time, as you do not need to enter your name, and email address for a long time.
The comment itself will remain on the website for as long as the site and the article remains online, unless you ask us to have it removed.
We do not store any other information about our users/visitors.